

I have been exploring human/animal relationships photographically in my art practice for the past four years. I also worked with wild animals photographing and enacting in different encounters with foxes, wolves, caribou and bears, to name a few, observing their behaviors​ while being mindful of how they see me. My goal has never been to take beautiful photographs of wildlife in their natural environments; it is to construct visual commentaries through compositing realistic, probable, and problematic interactions between wildlife and humans. Using the unspoken communication I feel with wildlife to anthropomorphically advocate for their territories, I am shedding light on the philosophy of the moral status of animals and environmental politics, transitioning this dialogue into​ the gallery space.

All my work is created using “photo bonding”. This term was created in place of Photoshop, conjuring up images of over saturated “fake” images. Photo bonding in place of Photoshop refers to the mending of images and the “bonding” between myself and “the other”.



2021: The Alberta Foundation for the Arts Travelling Exhibition Program (TREX)
2020: Fable, M.A.D.S, Milano, Italy


2017-2019: Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Master of Fine Art
2010-2015: Alberta College of Art and Design, Bachelor of Design with Distinction in Photography

Awards and Funding:

2019: Canada Council, Arts Across Canada
2018: Nikon Story Tellers Scholarship, Semi-Finalist
2017: Graduate Scholarship Entry Award, NSCAD
2016: Lens Culture Emerging Talent Awards 2016
2016: CPC Elevate & The Worldwide WOW Photo Contest 1st place Winner- Professional Category
2016: Applied Arts 2016 Photography & Illustration Award Winner – May Issue
2016: Emerging Photographer Showcase Winner – Exposure Festival
2015: Market Collective, Debut Artist Award, Nov 28-30
2015: ACAD Board of Governors Award
2015: Liberal Studies Ethics Award
2015: Stanford Perrott Innovative Projects Scholarship
2015: Dr. Blythe K. V. Brown Exploration Scholarship
2015: Barbra & John Poole Family Scholarship Fund
2015: The M. James & Elsie Mathieson Scholarship
2015: Jason Lang Scholarship
2014: Joyce & Owen Hughes Memorial Award
2014: Bob Ranson Memorial Scholarship
2014: Nicole Jennifer Creig Memorial Scholarship
2014: Jason Lang Scholarship
2013: People’s Choice Award in Visual Arts Alberta Photography Exhibition
2013: Barbra & John Poole Family Scholarship Fund
2013: Janet Mitchell Award in Art
2013: The M. James & Elsie Mathieson Scholarship

Selected Exhibitions:

2019: Backgrounding, Collaborative exhibition with Chloe Kinsella, The Edge Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Dec 1 – Jan 29
2019: Let’s Talk About the Anthropocene, Group Show, University of Brighton, England, Jul 27 – Aug 2
2019: Significant Otherness, Solo Thesis Show, Anna Leonowens, Halifax, Nova Scotia, April 1 – 6
2019: Inhospitably Ours, Solo Show, The Whyte Museum, Banff, Alberta – February 2 – April 7
2018: This is why we can’t have nice things, Anna Leonowens, Halifax – November 5 -17
2018: Fresh Paint / New Construction, Art Mûr, Montreal, Quebec – July 14 – August 25
2018: Barred Owl Benton, Public Art Installation, Halifax Stanfield International Airport, April – October
2018: What Meets the Eye, Edge Gallery, Calgary, Alberta
2017: Ladder Training, Anna Leonowens, Halifax, Nova Scotia
2017: Animals on Display, Resolve Photo, Solo Show, Calgary, Alberta
2017: Inhospitably Ours, Solo Show, Southern Jubilee Auditorium, Calgary, Alberta
2017: Untitled, Solo Show, Holly Grill, Calgary, Alberta
2017: Untitled, Solo Show, Vendome, Calgary, Alberta
2017: Exposure 2017: Invited Guests and Members, Elevation Place Gallery, Canmore, Alberta
2017: Blackout, Exposure Festival, Alberta College of Art and Design, Calgary, Alberta
2016: New Perspectives of Canadian Landscapes, Arts Commons Window Galleries, Calgary, Alberta
2016: Untitled, Solo Show, Gravity, Calgary, Alberta
2016: Wild Things, Garside Wilson Gallery, Longview, Alberta
2016: Exposure 2016: People, Places & Things, Elevation Place Gallery, Canmore, Alberta
2015: Visual Arts Alberta Photography Exhibition, Northern and Southern Jubilee Auditorium, Edmonton and Calgary, Alberta
2015: Waterloo Juried Exhibition, Waterloo Arts Festival, Cleveland, Ohio
2015: Alberta College of Art and Design Graduate Exhibition, Illingworth Kerr, Calgary, Alberta
2015: Blind Spot, Exposure Festival, Alberta College of Art and Design, Calgary, Alberta
2015: Post-Miniature Exhibition and Auction, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta
2015: 4th Annual Fundraiser Exposure 2015, Promotional Photo, Catalogue Cover, Live Auction Exhibition Participant, Festival Hall, Calgary, Alberta
2014: PUSH 2014, C2 Gallery, Calgary, Alberta
2013: Visual Arts Alberta Photography Exhibition, Northern and Southern Jubilee Auditorium, Edmonton and Calgary, Alberta

Selected Publications and Professional Experience:

2019: Significant Otherness, Thesis, Nova Scotia College of Art and Design
2019: Galleries West, Exhibition Review, June 29
2019: Public Talk, The Whyte Museum, Banff, Alberta, February 3 – with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts
2018: Participant in do it, a travelling exhibition conceived by Hans Ulrich Obrist and organized by Independent Curators International (ICI), New York. Interpretation of Lygia Pape’s Good Blood (2002), performance. Anna Leonowens Gallery, Halifax. December 2018
2018: Mystery Tribune, Issue N7, Featured Artist, Fall 2018
2018: The Arctic Circle, Residency, Svalbard, June 2018
2017: Market Collective x Village Beer, Featured beer label, Calgary, Alberta
2017: Ladder Training, Anna Leonowens, Panel Discussion, Public Talk, Halifax, Nova Scotia
2017: Hamilton Arts and Letters, Issue 10.2, Featured Portfolio
2017: Feature Shoot, Artist Article, May 29
2017: Tabi Labo, Artist Article, April 20
2016: The Canadian Wilderness Artist Residency, Yukon River, July 2016
2016: We Call it Stitch, Artist Article, July 1 2016
2016: Applied Arts Magazine, Featured Artist, Photography and Illustration Award Winner – May Issue
2016: “Two Artists Offer Different Perspectives of Albertan Landscapes in Joint Exhibition”, Artist Article, Calgary Herald, July 2016
2015: Market Collective, ACAD Sponsored Artist, Dec 11-13
2015: Wild Lands Advocate, Featured Artist
2015: MANIFEST, Fourth International Photography Annual, Featured Portfolio
2015: Flesh and Bone Magazine, Artist Article
2015: Photographers Forum Magazine, Best of College & High School Photography 2015, Featured Portfolio
2015: “What Are You Looking At?: Eye-Opening Exhibits At The Exposure Photography Festival”, Artist Article, Swerve Magazine, Calgary Herald, February 2015
2015: Cover Photo for Exposure 2015: Photography Festival, Catalogue and Festival Guide, Alberta, February 2015
2014: Wildlife Photographs Published on Birdscalgary.com, December 2014
2014: PUSH 2014, PUSH 2014 Catalogue, April 2014
2012: Photo of the Week, National Geographic Web, November 2012